Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing to be Happy!

This blog is about happiness!  Yay for happy!  Yay for optimism!

I am, mostly, a happy person.  Is my life perfect?  Hell, no!  But that doesn't mean that I have to dwell on the negative.  I choose to be happy.  And you can too.

Happiness is an emotion and therefore completely under our own personal control.  Too many people depend on outside influences to control their own happiness.  "If he calls, I will be happy", "If I get the job, I will be happy", "If that guy gets voted off Idol, I will be happy" (I don't watch the there even voting?)  Anyway!  the point is that you cannot count on something (or someone) outside of yourself to make you happy.  People and events will disappoint us and if you are dependent upon these people and/or events for your happiness...guess what?  You will be sad and disappointed.  Don't do it!

If you don't believe me...listen to the Dalai Lama

Happiness is determined more by the state of one’s mind than by one’s external conditions, circumstances, or events—at least once one’s basic survival needs are met. 

This is from the wonderful book...

And because this blog is about living healthy...being happy is good for your health!  I have been doing some reading on this topic and have read that happy people have healthier hearts and immune systems.

How to get Happy
I like the old adage "fake it until you make it".  Sure there are times when I am crabby, sad, and/or irritated but instead of staying with these yuck feelings I try to pretend that I am happy.  Your body doesn't really know the difference and you can fake it out.  try it!

I did some reading about How to get Happy and like the following ideas:

1.  Strike a Yoga pose.  Yoga and meditation - love them both and they make me happy!
2.  Talk to a friend
3.  Go for a walk (even better while talking to a friend!)
4.  Listen to upbeat music and dance if that makes you happy
5.  Do something for someone else (no, not the laundry or all the things that we do every day!  something new and someone give a sandwich to a homeless person...I buy an extra coffee and give it to a woman whenever I see her on my walk to get coffee.  It makes me happy and it makes her happy and she even likes the vanilla cream that I use!)
6.  Whatever makes YOU happy.  A hot shower, sex, writing in a journal, painting.  You know you own personal happy place.  Go there.  Often!

To end I have a great quote from my sister-in-law, Tabra

Never be dependent outside of yourself for your own self-esteem

Self-esteem = happiness?  I think so.

Go out and be happy my friends! (oh and go for a walk!)

With Love and Happiness,