Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coming Out of the Closet

The other day I was talking with my sister.  Not the sister that has a blog and is not afraid to "put it all out there".  No, the other sister...the one that has quietly lost XX pounds.  XX pounds while working full-time and taking care of 3 boys, including a baby.  This sister gets up very early and works out before driving an hour to work a full day.  And she has made other significant life-style changes.  On her own...quietly. (the XX is because she really does not want to say how much she has lost)

This is what we were discussing.  Do we tell people how much weight that we have lost? 

But if we tell them...then they will know how much we used to weigh...and/or they will look at us and think "wow..xx pounds lost and she is still huge!" (that one is mine)  I think about this all of time.  Do I post the size of my new jeans? (but some people will think that is still huge!) Do I admit to how much I have lost? or worse..to how much I still want to lose?

I was walking for my coffee treat this morning and thinking about this dilemma.  I tried to think about what I would tell a friend if she did not want to tell the blog world how much she has lost because people will think "Wow! That much and she is still huge!".  

This is what I told me...First, you are not huge.  (I almost believe it!).  Second, what you have done is a major accomplishment!  You should be proud and you should be telling the world.  and finally, anyone that reads your blog is your friend and they wish you well. In fact, most of them are cheering for you.  On your wall, to your face or quietly to themselves.  Any one that is reading your blog that is not your friend...well who cares what they think!  and what are they doing here anyway?

So here is the latest update...from me anyway...I have lost 60lbs. If you want to know any other details...just ask...I will probably tell you.

If you want the update from my sister...you will have to ask her to come out of the weight loss closet!

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