A few people have asked me what diet I am following, do I count points, do I count calories? Just what in the heck do you eat?
So I thought that I would write a quick blog. I wish that I had a better report. If you want to see
really healthy eating read my sister's blog. But here is my typical day.
First - I use a site called www.sparkpeople.com to track my calories and exercise. If you join look for me
laurajg1 and we can connect.
Breakfast - a small bowl of Kashi GoLean. (for the protein and the fiber) I don't measure. I should, I know..but I just use a really small bowl. and skim milk. If I wake up early enough I eat before the gym so that is about 4am. If not, I eat after at about 7am. I, also drink a large glass of water and take a Glucosamine pill. Sometimes I don't feel like cereal so I just have a banana.
Treat - I walk to the store and buy 1 cup of coffee with vanilla flavored no-fat cream. This is my sugar for the day and I love it! The first sip of that coffee is better than sex. no lie. This is at about 8am.
Snacks - I eat cheese sticks. (I know..so high in fat. But I don't eat meat and need the protein.) or carrots or both. this is about 10am.
Lunch - sometimes homemade veggie soup. sometimes (I admit) salt-free chips and homemade salsa. (YUM!) sometimes salad. sometimes leftover whatever was for dinner. sometimes just cheese if I didn't have it for snack.
Dinner - this is tricky because no one in my house eats the same thing. Patrick eats meat, none of the rest of us do. I will eat any kind of funky vegetarian thing and any kind of veggie. The kids will not. Mekiah and Morgan like tofu..Madeline doesn't.
I have cut WAY back on carbs but we make pasta a lot. and lasagna. Neither of which I will eat...so I eat salad. lots of salad. My favorite is Mexican salad. with brown rice, black bean and (yes) chips. Sometimes (tonight) I just eat carrots. I would really love to be eating more fun veg dishes but it's exhausting to think about making something that no one else will eat. That's bad. I should be making those dishes for myself.
Another favorite is roast veggies! Love this! I try all kinds of veggies and different fresh herbs. Protein is a problem. I don't want to eat cheese as much as I do but I don't like peanut butter. It's on my list to research recipes and options for protein.
I am so jealous of my sister! Her wife has been researching nutrition and making all kinds of great recipes. I may move to the Virgin Islands and live with them!
So in general. I have cut out all sweets. Not even one GS cookie. have cut way back on carbs. No bread. and I have cut portions way down.
I drink water all day. Nothing but water. No diet coke. (I miss you diet coke!)
and I take a multitude of vitamins.
BUT...if I have the opportunity to eat really good bread...I will. I am just not going to waste calories on something that is not really really good. I have also cut out alcohol for the same reason. Too many calories and not worth 60 minutes on the treadmill.
Tomorrow I will post what I