Saturday, February 27, 2010

Motivation and Nay-sayers!

The other day my friends and I had a Facebook comment discussion about motivation and negativity.

I'll start with the positive (of course!)
Here is a great quote from my friend, Donna L...
...I love visualizing my end result as I plod around the track at the Y! I keep thinking "eyes on the prize, girl! eyes on the prize!!!"
I love this!  and when I ran yesterday (Yes, I am back to running!) I thought about this quote and tried to visualize the finish line of a race.  I will get there!  I will get there!  It helped!  Yesterday I jumped into week 2 day 1 even though I slacked for a few days last week.  It was OK.  The extra 30 seconds on the individual runs  felt long but the entire routine went faster.  I would really really love to figure out how to make my own soundtrack with the audio indicators of when to run and when to walk.  I am so over the techno stuff on the podcast!

So what else can motivate you?  I know that a lot of people lose weight for an event.  Reunion, wedding...seeing someone that hasn't seen them for a long time...

But why not pretend that you have an event...even if you don't?  When you are making food choices mentally think about whatever event or person will motivate you.  I know that the big picture is overwhelming but everyday that you make better choices is a good one.  I hesitate to say "one day at a time" but that is really true.  Even if you have a large amount of weight to lose just getting started...the small victories...will make you feel better!  and, yes, one day you too will love going to the gym!  and even running if that is what you want to do.

I would love to hear what motivates other people!  Please share!

On to the negative...the nay-sayers...
I am so so lucky to not have encountered this myself.  Or it could be that I live in my own little fantasy world and just don't hear them!

Here is another quote from the wise Donna...

I am NOT letting the naysayers and poo pooers of my past get me down. I've discovered that my first reaction to anyone saying anything negative to me about my 5K quest is to think "I can't do it". SO...I've decided that fingers in my ears and a "I can't hear you...lalalallalal" attitude is in order for anyone who says a negative word to me!!!!
You go, Donna! I cannot believe that anyone is giving Donna negative feedback! She is the nicest person and already looks great!  Of course she can do a 5K! 

I feel very lucky to have positive people around me, in person and on Facebook.  You all motivate and inspire me every day!  I am so appreciative to anyone that has ever walked or run with me!  Told me about an affordable gym!  Given me recipes.  So so much support on and facebook.  and the positive comments.  Thank you!  I mentally log every comment that I receive and that is what I think about while on the treadmill!

So the next time that you see anyone exercising or trying to be healthy...give them any kind of high-five.  We love it!


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